Services | Springfield College-十大赌博信誉的平台

Here are some services we offer.


Make us your first point of contact in any on-campus emergency situation by calling (413) 748-5555. If you’re off campus, call 911.

In addition, we encourage you to utilize SC Alert and the Rave Guardian app. 

Safety Escorts

Safety escorts will provide an escort from any on campus property to any other on campus property, 24 hours per day. Note that the escort may be on foot or in a cruiser. Call (413) 748-3516 to make a request.

Shuttle Services

Safe Rides Shuttle (AKA Pride Ride)

The Pride Ride operates on campus during the academic year. The shuttle operates on a fixed route and is available at the times listed below. Learn more.

  • Friday and Saturday, 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.

Transportation Requests

We’re committed to providing the safest and most efficient modes of transportation in support of official business, academic, athletic, and student life needs.  Learn more.

Vehicle Registration and Parking

If you're looking to register your on-campus vehicle, we can help. Learn more.

Educational Programs

We offer educational programs for students, staff, and any outside group that requests it. These programs include Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events, Rape Aggression Defense, Drug Recognition and Awareness, Defensive Driving, and Sexual Assault Awareness. 

Bystander Intervention

We serve as one of the many resources for the Bystander Intervention program.

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response

We offer resources to educate our community.

Safety Tips

Your safety matters, and there’s no higher priority than the security of our community.